Online Safety
As the world and technology changes, it is not just about keeping safe on the internet but also keeping safe on all new and emerging technological devices. These include mobile phones, games consoles, tablets, iPads, computers and televisions.
Click here to access this guide created by CEOP. This offers light-hearted, yet relevant and realistic information about how to be a good online parent/carer.
Cyberbullying (online bullying) is when a person or a group of people use the internet, email, online games or any other kind of digital technology to threaten, tease, upset or humiliate someone else. Click below to be taken to the Children Cyberbullying page for information and advice.
If you have a concern about anything you see online or that someone has acted inappropriately towards a child online, then click here to report it.
Search Engines
Keep your children safe online when using search engines by choosing Swiggle. A search engine specifically designed to provide child-friendly results.
See below for useful tips about keeping your child safe online. Our weekly newsletters contain current online safety tips.