We are Friends of Mendlesham School Association (FOMSA). An active group of parents that work hard to fund-raise throughout the year.
We are fortunate to have such an association and believe that this is an important part of the school community. In its time, FOMSA has raised thousands of pounds. This money has been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s educational experience and the school facilities. We believe that FOMSA is about much more than simply fundraising; FOMSA exists to provide closer links between home and school, and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents, friends and members of the community together socially in support of the school.
All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available. Donations from families and friends are extremely important to us. You can donate time, money, raffle prizes or by offering up your services and skills. Everyone can also be involved by supporting events that happen as part of the school day or out of school time.
We are a small and friendly team who meet on a regular basis, usually a few times a term. We try hard to communicate with families and keep everyone updated. You will find our requests for support and information about our fundraising events on our termly newsletter. We also try to provide feedback about money raised and details of projects we have supported within the school.
We hold many events throughout the year. Some of these are within school, but others involve the wider village community. Events range from bake sales, special ‘dress up days’, school discos, stalls at the village firework display and Street Fayre, an Easter Treasure Hunt, a Summer Fair, as well as raffles at school events. We also raise money from things the children create, such as Christmas cards and other personalised items.
In the last few years, we have raised money for gazebos to create shade, a school sports kit for use when children represent the school, storage and play equipment for the playground, electronic equipment to enhance assemblies and productions, stereos for each classroom, funded books so that Father Christmas can give each child a present when he visits at Christmas, helped pay for special events during school time, funded a gift and event for the children leaving for High School and paid towards the new school library.
Our most recent achievements are donating £6,000 towards new play equipment for the playground after many years of saving, £600 pounds towards practical maths equipment for use across the classes and a friendship bench for the playground. We endeavour to spend the funds in ways that will benefit all the children across all areas of the school and curriculum.
We hold our AGM in November and everyone is very welcome to attend. We welcome any support that you can offer. This does not have to involve becoming a committee member. We are always open to new ideas and feedback from families and would love to hear from you if you have any suggestions. This is our chance as parents/carers to enhance our children’s experience of school life and provide some of the little things that can make a huge difference to them. Please contact us personally or via school.