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John Milton Academy Trust

These schools are part of the John Milton Academy Trust. Click on the school's logo to visit their website.

Bacton logoCedars Park logoThe John Milton logoMendlesham logoStowupland logoMulberry logo

Our Staff

We have a very dedicated and experienced team of staff here at Mendlesham School & Mulberry, who are all passionate about providing the very best education and care for our children.

Our Senior Leadership Team work across Mendlesham and Bacton Primary Schools.

All teachers/subject leaders work closely across both Mendlesham and Bacton Primary Schools, sharing best practice and expertise.  Subject Leaders not listed here, can be found here.


Executive Principal

Mrs Sait
Co-Executive Principal/Vice Principal

Mrs King
Assistant Principal, DSL, Prevent, SENDCo
Mrs Thomas
Leader of Learning / Class Teacher
Ms Churchill
School Business Manager
Mrs Simonds
Admin Assistant
Mrs Riches
Class Teacher
Mrs Gridley
Class Teacher
Mrs Wesley
Mrs Casey
Cover Supervisor
Mrs Woodley
Class Teacher
Mrs Owen
Class Teacher
Mrs Hayford
Class Teacher
Mrs ​​​Shore
Teaching Assistant
Miss Croft
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Brundell 
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Steed
Family Liason / HLTA 
Mrs Palmer
Support Staff
Mrs Knock
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Groom


Teaching Assistant
Miss Keeble
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Sykes
Teaching Assistant
Ms Hales
Mrs Coleman